Polk Melampaui $ 1 Juta dalam Kemenangan Vs. Negreanu

Polk Melampaui $ 1 Juta dalam Kemenangan Vs. Negreanu

Doug Polk dan Daniel Negreanu terus bertarung dan telah memainkan hampir 20.000 tangan.

Tampak semenit seperti Rocky membuat comeback epik, tapi underdog kembali ke kanvas dengan wasit menghitung 10 in. Doug Polk melawan Daniel Negreanu.

Setelah tertinggal hampir $ 1 juta dalam pertandingan dendam $ 200 / $ 400 mereka, Negreanu berkumpul dengan cara yang mengesankan. Itu GGPoker juru bicara mengumpulkan serangkaian tujuh kemenangan dalam delapan sesi untuk memotong angka itu menjadi setengahnya menjadi kerugian $ 486Okay pada 11 Januari.

Namun, dominasi penuh oleh Polk telah menyusul. Dia memenangkan empat sesi berturut-turut berikutnya, dengan yang terakhir merupakan pukulan telak: kemenangan $ 298.000, yang terbesar kedua dalam pertandingan tersebut, pada 20 Januari. Sekarang mengubur tujuh angka dengan kurang dari 8.000 tangan tersisa, "Child Poker" menemukan dirinya benar-benar melawannya dengan segala sesuatu yang ditumpuk padanya.

Pelajari segala hal yang perlu diketahui tentang Polk vs. Negreanu!

Hari 19

Setelah aksi awal melihat Negreanu mengambil keunggulan kecil, Polk memenangkan tumpukan dalam pot empat taruhan ketika dia memeriksa kembali kegagalan untuk papan taruhan. {j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia memasang c-bet yang tertunda sebesar $ 7.062, sepertiga dari pot, dan Negreanu mengangkat semuanya. Polk snap-call dengan high of set of jacks dan telah mendinginkan lawannya yang malang, yang memukul satu set fours dan menonton $ 84 Okay pot mendorong ke arah lain.

Negreanu kemudian memamerkan beberapa overbetting barunya ketika dia bertaruh $ 1.500 di posisi dalam pot tunggal pada {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk menelepon dan kemudian Negreanu pergi dengan ukuran besar $ 7.400 di {q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan $ 30.600 pada {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk snap disebut taruhan sungai tetapi diperlihatkan ratu dan jack untuk pot $ 80Okay.

Pot enam angka pergi ke "Child Poker" ketika dia memanggil kenaikan preflop dan check-disebut flop dan flip taruhan di papan {5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Setelah menghasilkan $ 3.410, Polk meledakkan $ 15.346 di sungai, jauh di atas pot. Namun, itu dipenuhi dengan kenaikan gaji semua untuk sisa Polk $ 33.602. Dia tidak bisa melepaskan diri dari set tujuh tetapi ditampilkan {6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk kacang yang jatuh. Polk menutup jam pertama mentok sekitar enam angka.

Polk kemudian bisa sedikit pulih, termasuk memilih tebing pemeriksaan sungai oleh Negreanu, untuk menurunkan defisit menjadi sekitar buy-in pada saat mereka istirahat.

Negreanu mendapat taruhan sungai besar sebesar $ 16Okay terbayar ketika dia menjatuhkan ratu perjalanan dalam pot tiga taruhan dan memperlambat kegagalan dan berbalik hanya dengan memanggil barel Polk. Kemudian, dengan $ 4.674 dalam pot, Polk memasang taruhan sebesar $ 3.832 {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu muncul dalam kenaikan yang cukup besar menjadi $ 13.089 dan dibayar {q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, mendorong tepinya kembali mendekati enam angka.

Setelah kemenangan maksimum hampir $ 170Okay, Negreanu melihat sebagian besar dari itu kembali ke saingannya dengan sedikit pendingin preflop. Memiliki tiga taruhan preflop hanya untuk menghadapi empat taruhan menjadi $ 11Okay, Polk mengirimkannya seharga $ 55Okay dan menunjukkannya {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, mendominasi Negreanu {j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Empat hati menghantam papan dan Polk meraupnya dengan superior flush.

Negreanu setengah menggertak tumpukan ketika dia memanggil taruhan tiga dari Polk, yang memimpin kecil untuk $ 2.300 menjadi $ 8.217 pada {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu menghasilkan $ 6.601 lalu overbet mendorong {5-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 menghasilkan $ 29.288 efektif. Polk menemukan panggilan dengan {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan dalam kondisi yang cukup baik melawan {a-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, berhasil memudarkan sungai untuk kembali ke lima angka kerugian.

Panci besar seharga $ 160Okay akan menjadi ayunan terbesar dalam permainan hari itu. Mereka hampir 200 besar ketika Negreanu memasang taruhan empat dan membuat taruhan kecilnya yang biasa dari $ 4.400 menjadi $ 22Okay pada {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk menghasilkan $ 14.652 dari cek kenaikan dan mereka pergi ke {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 belok. Polk bertaruh lagi dengan $ 17.019 dan Negreanu dikupas, menghasilkan {7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk memasukkan $ 36Okay terakhir dan Negreanu siap menahannya {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk telah menggertak {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk mendapatkan satu tumpukan lagi dengan dua terbawah versus sepasang as atas, tetapi itu tidak cukup untuk menghapus defisit sebesar $ 143Okay.

Tangan Dimainkan: 834
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 143.642
Video sesi penuh

Hari ke 20

Setelah lebih dari seminggu libur, mereka kembali ke sana, dan Polk mengambil garis yang tidak biasa di awal pertandingan ketika dia bertaruh empat kali menjadi $ 10.953 dan kemudian hanya mendorong $ 30.443 efektif pada {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Negreanu menatapnya dengan {6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan dalam kondisi sangat baik melawan {k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu {3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 belok lebih jauh meningkatkannya ke lurus dan kiri Polk membutuhkan potongan yang {j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tidak membawa pulang.

Polk telah pulih hampir bahkan ketika pot besar berikutnya turun, dimulai dengan taruhan tiga Negreanu kemudian periksa {q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk bertaruh kecil dengan sekitar $ 2.300 dan Negreanu menelepon, membawa {3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk mengukur dengan $ 8,777 tetapi Negreanu kembali bertahan untuk {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai. Polk mendorong tepat di bawah pot $ 30Okay ketika diperiksa, dan Negreanu menukik lama sebelum mengklik panggilan. Polk hanya bisa mengumpulkan uang empat, tidak cocok untuk {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Negreanu terus menggulirkan bola di atas papan {3-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, mendapatkan taruhan sebesar $ 21Okay yang dibayarkan di sungai setelah giliran diperiksa dan ditampilkan {k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Pot empat taruhan akan membuat Polk, sang penyerang, bertaruh kecil dengan $ 4.552 {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu dikupas dan {5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 memukul. Kedua pemain memeriksa, membawa {2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Taruhan Negreanu cukup besar dengan $ 21.350. Polk mendorong sebesar $ 40.267 dan disambut dengan snap yang disebut sebagai Negreanu memukul lurus {5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu tidak bagus untuk dilawan {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk flush, dan Polk meraup $ 112Okay.

Satu pot besar lagi pergi ke Negreanu ketika Polk mempertaruhkan sungai kecil untuk sepertiga dari pot $ 18Okay {4-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Negreanu dinaikkan menjadi $ 29Okay. Polk menelepon tetapi tidak bisa mengalahkan {4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan mereka istirahat dengan Negreanu sekitar $ 75Okay.

Setelah jeda, Polk tiga taruhan dan diperiksa a {4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tekstur. Negreanu bertaruh sekitar $ 2.700, Polk dinaikkan menjadi $ 8.491, dan Negreanu merobeknya. Polk segera menelepon dengan {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan menang melawan {5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 saat itu berlari {8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk mendapatkan setumpuk.

Putar sedikit melambat dari sana. Polk mengurangi defisitnya menjadi sekitar $ 65Okay kemudian Negreanu bekerja kembali menjadi $ 130Okay. Di situlah mereka duduk selama satu jam tersisa-plus sampai Polk menutup semuanya dengan memilih Negreanu, yang pergi untuk cek-naik tebing seharga $ 21Okay lebih dari $ 4.794 pada {4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 memegang {5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 melawan {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu hanya cukup untuk membuatnya rugi $ 120Okay.

Tangan Dimainkan: ~ 600
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 120.000
Video sesi penuh

Hari 21

Negreanu mencoba mendorong lima taruhan di awal sesi tetapi menjalankannya {a-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 menampar {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Semua tampak baik untuknya di {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal tetapi puluhan pukulan pada belokan dan sungai untuk mengirim pot $ 80Okay ke Polk's Broadway. Negreanu mendapatkan tumpukan itu beberapa saat kemudian ketika miliknya sendiri {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 menang melawan {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 semua dalam preflop.

Hanya dalam waktu satu jam, Polk melonjak memimpin. Di satu meja, dia mendapat dorongan seukuran pot seharga $ 29Okay di sungai dengan papan yang menakutkan {8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 di luar. Di sisi lain, dia bertaruh empat dan membatalkan $ 50Okay dengan {j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu telah merobeknya dengan hantaman {3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan keringat berkurang saat Polk menjatuhkan jack lain.

Kemudian, float menjadi bumerang bagi Negreanu karena tiga taruhan Polk kemudian meluncur cukup besar dengan $ 5,505 pada {6-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal dan $ 12.883 pada file {j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 belok. Negreanu menelepon dan kemudian menghadapi dorongan untuk mendapatkan $ 24Okay terakhir di {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai. Dia dengan cepat menelepon {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tetapi melihat dia dipalu dari titik awal saat Polk dipegang {q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Negreanu tiga taruhan preflop dan pergi untuk $ 5.519 menjadi $ 8.237 pada a {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal, dengan panggilan Polk untuk membawa {8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu melambat dengan cek dan menyebut ukuran kecil $ 6.361. Sungai itu adalah {2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Negreanu diperiksa. Polk mendorong untuk efektif $ 27.329 dan Negreanu ada di sana segera bersama {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Pasangan kedua tidak bagus, karena Polk mendapat nilai maksimal {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Salah satu all-in preflop terbesar terjadi sedikit lebih dari dua jam ketika Polk bertaruh empat menjadi $ 12,360 dan menyebut lima taruhan Negreanu untuk $ 61,600. Negreanu menunjukkan {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan itu untuk balapan melawan {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. SEBUAH {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 meninggalkan Polk semuanya kecuali selesai untuk sungai dan dia tidak bisa menemukan sendirian.

Mereka memiliki lebih dari 200 tirai di kedua meja pada saat itu, jadi tumpukan berhenti terbang sebanyak itu. Potensi memang ada untuk pot $ 200Okay ketika Negreanu bertaruh empat dan dipanggil, memasang {5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal dengan $ 21.567 di tengah. Negreanu melanjutkan untuk $ 10.800 dan menerima panggilan cepat, membawa {9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 belok. Negreanu meluncur lagi, kali ini dengan ukuran kecil $ 12.959. Polk menelepon lagi, membawa {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu menjejalkannya ke dalam panci seharga $ 69Okay tetapi Polk terlipat.

Tumpukan yang dalam membuat siapa pun tidak menunjukkan sesuatu yang terlalu gila saat mereka memainkan satu jam terakhir-plus cukup merata. Satu pot besar memang melihat Polk mencoba menangkap tebing besar di atas papan {8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk telah menembakkan kegagalan kecil dan belokan besar sebelum memeriksa sungai. Negreanu bertaruh $ 18.897 menjadi $ 28Okay dan Polk memeriksanya {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia senang melihat pertunjukan Negreanu {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan dia menghentikan kemenangan beruntun Negreanu dengan hari enam angka miliknya sendiri.

Tangan Dimainkan: 904
Hasil: Doug Polk + $ 114.140
Video sesi penuh

Hari 22

Setelah sesi maraton pada Hari ke-21, kurang dari 300 tangan dibutuhkan untuk mencapai titik tengah. Para pemain memilih untuk sampai di sana pada hari ke-22 dan menyebutnya satu tahun sehingga mereka bisa beristirahat untuk liburan sampai kalender berubah.

Segalanya dimulai dengan catatan buruk untuk Negreanu ketika dia menelepon taruhan empat untuk melihat a {6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Dia memeriksa, Polk bertaruh sekitar 20% dari pot dengan $ 4.397, dan Negreanu membuatnya $ 9.339. Polk mendorong sekitar $ 34Okay dan Negreanu dengan cepat menelepon.

Negreanu: {q-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15
Polk: {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15

Negreanu memiliki hasil imbang yang sama tetapi mati untuk memotong setelah {2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 berbalik dan membuat perahu yang tidak berharga di {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai.

Pot empat taruhan lainnya akan terlihat lebih dinamis {5-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Negreanu memiliki empat taruhan kali ini dan sekali lagi kecil seharga $ 4,319. Polk mengupas untuk membawa {4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk memeriksa dan Negreanu mencoba taruhan kecilnya yang lain sebesar $ 9.070. Polk dikirim seharga $ 34.797 dan Negreanu memutuskannya {a-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia punya Polk {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 pipped dan {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai tidak membantu Polk.

Pendulum berayun kembali ke Polk dalam pot tiga taruhan saat {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal. Dia bertaruh $ 2.997 menjadi sekitar $ 7.900 dan Negreanu menelepon. Di {q-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 giliran, cek Polk disebut $ 5,553. Dia juga memeriksa {4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Negreanu menyodorkan $ 28Okay, hanya sedikit di atas panci. Itu bertemu dengan panggilan snap dan {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan upaya Negreanu untuk mendapatkan nilai {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 harganya setumpuk.

Polk terus menjadi panas ketika dia diberikan ace lagi, mendapatkan tumpukan melawan jack saku Negreanu setelah kegagalan sembilan tinggi. Dia memenangkan beberapa pot yang lebih stable dan segera memimpin enam digit.

Pada 10 menit terakhir, aliran uang mengalir ke Negreanu. Pertama, pada kedalaman sekitar 200 tirai, Polk mengangkat dan melakukan overbet sebesar $ 2.416 menjadi $ 1.933 {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu check-dipanggil dan kemudian menghadapi taruhan ukuran pot $ 6.767 di {7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia menelepon lagi, membawa {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Cek terakhir Negreanu dipenuhi dengan overbet besar mendorong $ 69.414, lebih dari tiga kali lipat pot. Itu baik-baik saja oleh Negreanu karena dia memperlambat permainan {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk kacang yang dibalik, dan Polk hanya bisa tampil {8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk udara lengkap.

Polk mencoba menembak lagi saat dia menerobos ketiga jalan itu {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Setelah taruhan gagal kecil dalam posisi versus taruhan tiga preflop Negreanu dan kemudian periksa, Polk bertaruh $ 9.161 pada gilirannya dan mendorong river untuk $ 43.736 menjadi sekitar $ 32Okay. Negreanu dengan cepat menelepon {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan diberi hadiah ketika Polk menunjukkan tebing lain: {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Negreanu telah membalikkan kerugian besar dan membukukan kemenangan kecil sebagai gantinya.

Tangan Dimainkan: 279
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 35.000
Video sesi penuh

Pada titik ini, Negreanu memiliki opsi untuk mengibarkan bendera putih pada tantangan dengan tanda tangan 12.500. Namun, dengan defisit sekitar $ 775Okay, dia memilih untuk tetap bermain.

Hari 23

Polk memulai bagian 2021 dari tantangan dengan tiga taruhan kemudian bertaruh gagal dan membalikkan pot besar pertama. Dia bertaruh sedikit di bawah setengah pot dengan $ 3,313 di {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kemudian menembakkan $ 9.725 pada file {2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Empat baris dilengkapi dengan {5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Polk akhirnya memeriksa dengan sisa $ 23Okay. Negreanu mempertaruhkan hampir semua itu, menyisakan sekitar $ 650 kembali untuk beberapa alasan, tetapi Polk menelepon dan tidak bisa mengalahkan {5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Tak lama kemudian, Polk kembali menjadi penyerang dan melanjutkan perjalanan kecil {4-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Dia bertaruh lebih besar dengan $ 8.245 di {4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 putar sebelum membuat panci sebesar $ 28Okay di atas {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Jepret Negreanu, setelah mengarungi sungai dengan perahu {9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, dan dia beruntung versus {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Tangan yang lebih sukses untuk pendiri Upswing muncul lebih dari satu jam ketika Negreanu bertaruh tiga menjadi $ 4.000 dan bertaruh kecil dengan $ 2.159 pada {3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Polk menelepon, dan dia menelepon $ 8.251 lagi di {k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu mengosongkan klip dengan overbet seharga $ 46.182 efektif. Polk hanya perlu beberapa saat sebelum mengklik panggilan dengan {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan diberi penghargaan ketika dia melihat Negreanu menghirup udara dari awal hingga akhir: {8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Negreanu tampaknya telah menghasilkan nilai yang signifikan ketika dia bertaruh tiga dan melanjutkan untuk $ 5.519 {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sebelum macet {2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 seharga $ 30.360 menjadi sekitar $ 19Okay. Polk menelepon dengan {5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tapi dia beruntung di sungai melawan {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, membuat flush nya dengan {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Perang preflop akan membuat Negreanu menjejalkannya seharga $ 54Okay di meja yang sama, mendapat panggilan jepret oleh Polk. {k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Sial bagi Polk, Negreanu menunjukkan kepadanya kartu As dan berhasil memudarkan raja untuk mengklaim pot enam angka.

Itu adalah ayunan besar terakhir dan itu cukup untuk mendorong Negreanu dari yang kalah pada hari itu menjadi pemenang.

Tangan Dimainkan: ~ 650
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 27.000
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Pelajari tentang poker on-line authorized di AS dengan mengklik di sini!

Hari 24

Pot besar pertama di Hari 24 pada akhirnya akan menjadi tidak penting karena Negreanu bertaruh tiga dan melesat semuanya {6-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk menatapnya dengan king-jack dan Negreanu menunjukkan tangan yang sama untuk memotong pot.

Secara keseluruhan, 90 menit pertama yang relatif lambat atau lebih akan melihat Negreanu membangun keunggulan tentang buy-in.

Sekitar dua jam berlalu, hal-hal meningkat pesat. Negreanu bertaruh tiga menjadi $ 4.000 preflop dan berlanjut seharga $ 2.159 {10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, dengan pertemuan Polk itu dengan panggilan. Negreanu memeriksa {3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Polk bertaruh $ 8.251. Negreanu menelepon dan memeriksa {j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk mendorong efektif $ 43.310, lebih dari pot. Negreanu memutuskannya dengan {10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk perjalanan yang gagal, menang melawan a {9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tebing untuk meraup $ 115Okay.

Negreanu terus bergulir saat dia membangun kemenangannya menjadi sekitar $ 150Okay. Polk tampak seperti dia mungkin mulai membawanya kembali ketika dia mendapat taruhan-tiga-taruhan yang dibayarkan pada papan berpasangan {7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Hanya $ 4.003 di tengah ketika Polk bertaruh $ 2.322 di posisi, dan Negreanu menghasilkan $ 8.809. Polk kembali dengan $ 19.621 dan Negreanu menelepon tetapi tidak bisa mengalahkan {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk memiliki perubahan untuk membawanya lebih jauh dalam pot besar secara bersamaan. Dalam satu, dia mendapat empat taruhan senilai sekitar $ 12Okay di preflop lalu c-taruhan $ 4.943 {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu memasukkan cek-naik menjadi $ 11.087 dan mereka pergi ke {2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu memeriksa lagi, kali ini melipat menjadi taruhan kecil sekitar $ 13Okay.

Di meja lain, Polk dapat {q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 di preflop sebesar $ 50Okay dan melawan {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flop adalah suram untuk Polk tetapi dia memutuskan untuk memotong ketika menjalankan berlian hit.

Sesi dengan ayunan besar yang relatif sedikit melihat Negreanu naik sebanyak $ 180Okay sebelum menang hanya dengan $ 100Okay.

Tangan Dimainkan: ~ 700
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 98.579
Video sesi penuh

Hari 25

Jam pertama bolak-balik berakhir dengan ayunan besar karena Polk mendapat tiga taruhan di preflop lalu bertaruh $ 3,313 menjadi $ 7,888 pada {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu mengupas dan kemudian menelepon $ 4.790 lagi di {10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk memasukkannya seharga $ 28Okay, tepat di atas panci, di atas {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai. Negreanu sudah siap dengan panggilan cepat setelah berubah menjadi datar {q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Polk menunjukkan bahwa dia mendapatkan sungai terburuk di geladak seperti yang dia alami {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk turun sekitar $ 60Okay saat istirahat tetapi berhasil kembali cukup dekat. Kemudian, Negreanu mengancam pot $ 120Okay ketika dia bertaruh tiga ke $ 3.720 preflop dan Polk menelepon. Kegagalan diperiksa melalui papan {2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Negreanu memeriksa lagi. Polk memecahkan kebekuan dengan $ 4.983 hanya agar Negreanu bangun dengan cek kenaikan menjadi $ 18.037. Polk menelepon, dan {5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 menyelesaikan papan yang diperebutkan. Negreanu mendorong $ 38.868 dan Polk tidak perlu banyak diyakinkan karena dia melipat dengan cukup cepat.

Polk memamerkan jubah pahlawannya saat dia bertaruh a {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 gagal di posisi setelah memanggil taruhan tiga. Negreanu menyebut ukuran kecil dari $ 2.239 menjadi $ 8K dan giliran itu a {4-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Kedua pemain memeriksa, membawa a {6-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu mengeluarkan $ 8.358 dan dilihat-lihat {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Ace tinggi bagus melawan {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Kurang dari buy-in memisahkan keduanya ketika Negreanu bertaruh tiga dan melanjutkan dengan harga $ 5,358 {2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Polk macet seharga $ 37.455 tetapi itu tidak mengganggu Negreanu saat dia menelepon dengan tergesa-gesa {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu adalah tempat yang indah untuk dia lawan {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan dia memudar belokan dan sungai.

Negreanu berhasil memeras beberapa nilai besar ketika dia melakukan preflop tiga taruhan dan melanjutkan untuk $ 5,358 lagi pada {5-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia meluncur lagi seharga $ 12.538 di {5-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, dan papan berpasangan ganda dengan {10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu bertaruh $ 17.516 kali ini, dan Polk melihatnya tetapi tidak bisa mengalahkan {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Mereka memutuskan hubungan dengan Polk yang masih terjebak, meskipun kurang dari dua pembelian.

Pot empat taruhan mengarah ke tempat besar berikutnya, dengan Negreanu mendapatkan itu di preflop dan kemudian bertaruh $ 5,399 pada {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk menelepon dan kemudian mengambil jalur yang tidak biasa ketika dia mengeluarkan $ 9.718 di {9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu menanggapi dengan mendorong dan Polk meminta $ 30Okay, tepat di bawah pot.

Negreanu: {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15
Polk: {7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15

Polk dipukul oleh pasangan yang lebih besar plus seri dan {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 tidak membantunya.

Polk mengambil pot empat taruhan terakhir, menunjukkan agresi setelah Negreanu menolak untuk bertaruh {5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Polk memimpin sepertiga dari pot, sekitar $ 7.100 di {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, lalu mendorong {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai dan berhasil melewati.

Meski demikian, Negreanu mampu membukukan kemenangan keempatnya secara beruntun.

Tangan Dimainkan: 750
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 27.945
Video sesi penuh

Hari 26

Sebuah tangan yang tidak biasa menendang hal-hal dalam beberapa menit pertama ketika Polk memanggil taruhan empat kemudian keluar dengan $ 6.479 menjadi $ 21.5K pada {7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk melambat dengan memeriksa {k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 belok. Kurang dari pot yang tersisa untuk dimainkan dan Negreanu mendorong, dengan panggilan cepat Polk {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Pasangan papan atas tidak sebaik Negreanu {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan ditahan di sungai seharga $ 85Okay.

Pot berukuran identik ada di antara mereka di tempat empat taruhan besar berikutnya, dengan Negreanu lagi-lagi menjadi empat petaruh. Kali ini, kegagalan diperiksa untuk papan {6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk kembali memimpin $ 6.479 dan lagi, Negreanu menelepon. Sungai itu a {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan Polk mendorong $ 32Okay. Negreanu menelepon dengan cukup cepat {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan bagus melawan {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk telah memulihkan sebagian dari kerugiannya tetapi masih turun sekitar $ 50Okay di pot besar berikutnya. Dia adalah agresor preflop dengan taruhan tiga dan melepaskan taruhan lanjutan yang cukup besar sebesar $ 5,285 pada {10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu mengumpulkan $ 14.516 dan Polk mendorong. Negreanu dengan cepat membatalkan $ 40Okay miliknya {k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 dan melawan hasil imbang monster: {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu {7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 membawanya ke sana tapi {7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 River memberi Negreanu rumah penuh pintu belakang.

Polk akhirnya mendapatkan kembali beberapa momentum ketika Negreanu meluncur dengan cepat di atas papan {2-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 setelah preflop tiga taruhan. Hanya setengah pot yang tersisa di sungai dan disebut dengan jepret Polk {5-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 untuk perjalanan, dengan Negreanu menunjukkan dia pergi untuk nilai {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Dalam pot tunggal, Polk menggunakan tiga barel {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Dia memasukkan flop dan river overbets, yang terakhir seharga $ 21Okay menjadi $ 14Okay, tetapi dengan cepat diambil oleh {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk punya udara dengan {9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, setelah menghasilkan hasil imbang yang tidak akan berharga jika dia berhasil.

Mereka berpotensi memainkan pot besar-besaran ketika Polk membuka preflop dan bertaruh kecil dengan $ 645 {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk melanjutkan untuk $ 1.884 di {6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 hanya untuk melihat kenaikan cek Negreanu menjadi $ 8.106. Polk menelepon dan mereka pergi ke a {10-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 sungai. Negreanu bertaruh $ 13.039 dan Polk mendorong $ 78.352. Negreanu berpikir sedikit tetapi akhirnya melepaskannya.

Namun, dia melanjutkan rentetan kemenangannya dengan W besar lainnya.

Tangan Dimainkan: ~ 600
Hasil: Daniel Negreanu + $ 130.000
Video sesi penuh

Hari 27

Polk naik tentang buy-in setelah 45 menit pertama yang cukup jinak ketika pot besar simultan turun.

Tabel kiri: {a-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15
Tabel kanan: {7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15

Di meja kanan, Polk three-bet preflop dan triple-barreled all in. Dorongnya dari $ 29Okay menjadi $ 37Okay dan Negreanu miring lama sebelum dilipat. Di meja kiri, Negreanu adalah petaruh tiga dan terus kecil di kegagalan, dengan panggilan Polk sebelum mengambil alih giliran dan taruhan sungai ketika Negreanu diperiksa. Sekali lagi, Polk mendorong sedikit ke bawah pot, tetapi kali ini Negreanu melipat lebih cepat.

Polk naik sekitar $ 85Okay ketika debu mengendap dari pot-pot itu.

Negreanu yang lebih dingin membebani biaya ketika lima taruhannya mendorong $ 46Okay dengan ratu, bertemu dengan kartu As Polk dan gagal menemukan seorang wanita dalam pelarian.

Pot empat taruhan akan menjadi yang besar pertama yang didorong ke Negreanu ketika dia bertaruh kecil {j-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and Polk check-raised small from $5,399 to $12,526. Negreanu jammed for $38,700 and Polk known as with {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for high pair. He was crushed by {q-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and didn't enhance, so Negreanu gained the $99Okay pot.

Negreanu then three-bet to $4K and continued for $3,199 on {j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk known as, bringing the {5-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Negreanu guess large with $9,644 and Polk known as. The river was the {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and Negreanu shoved for $27,427, rather less than the pot. Polk tank-called with {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and Negreanu confirmed {j-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 for jacks as much as drag it.

Negreanu lowered a six-figure loss to round $20Okay earlier than the ultimate hour, however issues went south once more. One large spot would see him three-bet after which proceed small for $2,159 on {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk known as after which confronted one other small barrel of $4,926 on the {10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. He known as and Negreanu lastly slowed down on the {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Polk took the chance to fireside large with $33,253. Negreanu known as however couldn't beat {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for the turned gutter.

Negreanu did get $48Okay again when he picked up kings in opposition to {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 but it surely wasn't sufficient to forestall a six-figure loss.

Palms Performed: ~600
Outcomes: Doug Polk +$120,000
Full session video

Day 28

The announcers had barely launched themselves when a four-bet pot kicked off the motion. Negreanu raised to his favored $10,800 quantity and so they went to a {10-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Polk check-called $5,399 after which check-called the final $24,710 on the {2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flip. Negreanu was in terrible form as his dominating {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 had gotten in regards to the worst board doable in opposition to {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and the {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 didn't assist him on the river.

A single-raised pot would see a cooler develop a bit after that. Polk c-bet $763 on {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 in place and Negreanu known as. Polk barreled once more on the {k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for $2,240. Negreanu check-raised to $9,268 and Polk known as, bringing out a {5-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Negreanu shoved for $36,833 efficient, properly over the $21Okay pot. Polk tanked a very long time earlier than calling with {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 however was no good in opposition to {4-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{4-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15.

Negreanu was in a position to work as much as an honest win of round $60Okay however then dropped a reasonably large pot when he four-bet and c-bet small on the flop per normal earlier than the flip checked via for a board of {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk checked the river and Negreanu guess $21Okay, about two-thirds of the pot. Polk seemed him up with {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 and was good in opposition to {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

One of many greatest pots of the match developed with an harmless begin as Polk raised preflop after which guess $1,311 into $1,957 on {6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu check-raised to $5,094 and Polk known as, bringing the {k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu barely overbet the pot on the flip with $13,361 and Polk caught round for the {6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Negreanu potted it, $38,869. Polk seemed him up with {j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and was good in opposition to {10-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15, swinging himself from caught $50Okay to up on the day.

The swingy session continued with a preflop battle as Polk, going through a four-bet, opted to five-bet ship for about $53Okay. Negreanu went for the decision with {9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and was blissful to see he was in a dominating spot in opposition to {a-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. He was even happier when no ace appeared to ship him the $106Okay pot.

Negreanu three-bet preflop to a smaller measurement of $3,720 and so they went to a dynamic flop of {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Negreanu continued small for $2,008 and Polk known as, bringing a {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu potted for $11,456 and Polk snap-called, so that they noticed a {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 river. Negreanu had barely checked earlier than a guess of $23,025 was in entrance of Polk. Negreanu known as however couldn't beat {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

They had been virtually useless even heading into the final 30 minutes when Negreanu four-bet and Polk snap-called to convey a {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flop out. Negreanu guess $5,399 then each gamers checked the {7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 to convey a {9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu potted for $32,396 and Polk snap-called once more however was proven a rivered boat with {9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk was in a position to erase that loss down the stretch although and even turned it right into a small win.

Palms Performed: 650
Outcomes: Doug Polk +$26,198
Full session video

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Day 29

An attention-grabbing pot went down about 45 minutes in with Negreanu already up a bit of greater than a buy-in. He three-bet after which checked an {8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 kegagalan. Polk went with a small guess of $2,639 and Negreanu awoke with a giant increase to $15,917. Polk shoved for $36Okay and Negreanu known as.

Negreanu: {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15
Polk: {6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15

It was an unpleasant flop for Negreanu and the {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flip and {a-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 river didn't assist him.

Polk had misplaced however regained the lead earlier than the following large one, which noticed Polk double-barrel the flop and switch small on {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 after three-betting pre. Polk gave up his betting on the river, and Negreanu shoved with just a bit over the $24Okay pot left. Polk about beat him in there with {a-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and had Negreanu's {q-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 outkicked.

The large pots continued proper after that with Polk three-betting and persevering with for $2,208 on {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu known as the small guess after which known as $9,652 extra on the {q-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Polk had $24,793 left on the {a-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 river, which was lower than the $31Okay pot, and he opted to test. Negreanu set him in and Polk snapped it off once more, however this time his {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 was inferior to {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Then they performed a flip for $96Okay when Polk five-bet shipped {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and bumped into {10-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk hit the {2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flop however Negreanu turned him useless with the {10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15.

Negreanu then went for skinny worth as he three-bet pre and fired all streets, jamming river on a board of {6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Small sizings on the flop and switch gave strategy to a $31Okay shove right into a $25Okay pot and Polk had a simple snap with {q-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Sadly for Negreanu, he'd gone for worth with {k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

Polk was the one caught slamming in high pair after Negreanu three-bet and c-bet small on {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk known as after which Negreanu checked to him on the {4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk piled in $8,251 into the $12Okay pot, with Negreanu calling to convey a {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu check-called off the final $25,988 and his {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 had made a straight in opposition to {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

A sick cooler occurred when Negreanu three-bet and Polk known as, with Negreanu following up with $2,159 on {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Negreanu guess $4,926 on the {3-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, and so they went to a {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 river. Negreanu guess $14,853 and Polk shoved for $33,797 extra. Negreanu snapped with {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 and Polk had gotten a nasty flip with {3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15.

Polk double-barreled a {2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{4-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 board once they had been already fairly deep to scoop a $40Okay pot and that arrange some of the attention-grabbing eventualities but within the problem: each gamers had been greater than 300 blinds deep on each tables. Polk was caught a couple of buy-in however anyone pot may massively swing issues.

A single-raised pot would see probably the most important pot of the problem threatened. Negreanu had opened for $1K on the button and continued for $799 on the {10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 kegagalan. Polk raised small to $1,985 and Negreanu known as. Polk went for the double check-raise on the {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 flip as Negreanu guess $3,998 and Polk went properly over pot to $27,332. Negreanu known as, so there was $60Okay within the center heading to the {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 river. Polk crammed in $101Okay efficient and Negreanu tanked however folded.

Polk gained a few $30Okay pots down the stretch after which an $83Okay pot with high pair of queens when he light Negreanu's {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 on a queen-high board and Child Poker gave up on the river. That gave him one other win to spice up his complete as soon as once more.

Palms Performed: 500
Outcomes: Doug Polk +$73,000
Full session video

Day 30

There wasn't tons of motion early on as Negreanu inched up a couple of buy-in however that gradual begin wouldn’t portend what was to come back.

Stacks flew in after about an hour with Negreanu five-bet ripping {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 and operating into {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Spades} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. The runout favored Polk as neither participant related, squaring issues up on the session. Proper after, Negreanu potted river on {6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{10-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{5-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 for $14,395 after the flip checked via, however he folded to a shove price $36Okay from Polk, pushing the heads-up star into the lead.

Polk scooped up a number of extra pots with out showdown after that and constructed his result in $100Okay. He saved creeping upwards with extra non-showdown winnings till the following enormous blow got here following a {7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 kegagalan. Negreanu had three-bet pre and put in $2,159 on the flop, with Polk responding with a name. On the {10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 flip, $8,251 extra went in from each gamers, with Negreanu maintaining his lead. He then shoved the {4-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 for $25Okay, just below the pot, however Polk was prepared with {k-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for high two. Negreanu had gotten a nasty flip holding {10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

The brutal run continued for Child Poker when he known as a three-bet after which a giant c-bet of $6,468 from Polk on {10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. He known as one other $13,953 on the {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15, so lower than half-pot remained to play on the {9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk shipped that final $22Okay in and Negreanu snapped it off with {8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for a straight, however Polk hit a straight to the queen with {q-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 to tug $93Okay.

Up over $200Okay, Polk's unimaginable run continued when he guess $1,506, a small sizing into $7,533, after three-betting preflop and seeing {a-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 hit. Negreanu known as and the {q-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 hit. Polk went for a giant overbet with $16,092, and Negreanu responded by cramming in $81,295. Polk snap-called to create a pot of $173Okay. He had the perfect of it.

Polk: {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15
Negreanu: {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15

Negreanu had a shot along with his flush draw however the {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 didn't convey it dwelling and he fell $300Okay behind on the day.

Negreanu acquired a stack again when he induced flip and river overbets from Polk, the latter for nearly triple the $13Okay pot, on {j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk had {10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for an airball whereas Negreanu roped him in with {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

One other enormous bluff got here out of Polk as he four-bet pre then guess $7,364 on {j-Diamonds} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{k-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Polk continued blasting with $17,472 on the {7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 then emptied the clip with the final $34Okay efficient into $72Okay on the {6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Negreanu discovered the decision with {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{j-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 and was good in opposition to {a-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{3-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for the pot simply shy of $140Okay.

The wild swings continued with a stone cooler as Polk turned a nut flush versus Negreanu's second nuts and acquired paid for a pot-sized river jam. He bluffed most of that proper again with a guess after which an enormous three-bet in what had been a small pot on {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{2-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{2-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 holding {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{4-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 in opposition to {q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{10-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15.

They had been greater than 150 blinds deep when Negreanu c-bet in a $3,199 in a three-bet pot on {8-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{5-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 and confronted a increase to $9,245. Negreanu ripped all in for Polk's remaining $53Okay and he had a simple snap with {9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{7-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for the nuts. Negreanu was smacked with {9-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 however did flip some hope with the {9-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Itu {k-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 didn't acquired it for him on the river and Polk dragged $133Okay.

The largest pot of your entire problem thus far went down in a single-raised pot with Negreanu betting the flop then potting the flip for $3,595 on {j-Clubs} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{9-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Hearts}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15. Polk made a monster increase to $20,675 and Negreanu peeled, bringing the {2-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15. Polk slammed within the final $71,126 however Negreanu was ready with {10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for the nuts. Polk had {q-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and watched the $187Okay go to his battered opponent.

Sizings began altering with the gamers greater than 400 bigs deep at one of many tables down the stretch. Negreanu opened for $1,200 and known as a three-bet to $4,338. Polk continued small for $2,328 on the {6-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{6-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{8-Hati} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 flop and Negreanu peeled. Negreanu known as one other small guess of $4,465 on the {10-Clubs}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15 then an enormous guess of $33,691 on the {a-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 river. Polk confirmed {8-Klub} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{8-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 for the flopped boat.

Polk earned yet another stack with aces in opposition to king-queen on {5-Diamonds}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{7-Berlian} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{q-Hearts} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15{5-Spades}" style="margin-bottom:-3px;" width="25" height="15{10-Sekop} "style =" margin-bottom: -3px; "width =" 25 "height =" 15 and that was the tip of the insane session with Polk reserving a near-record win of $298Okay.

Palms Performed: 770
Outcomes: Doug Polk +$298,000
Full session video